Mussorgsky and the Mighty Handful

Quiz Yourself About Mussorgsky and the Mighty Handful


Which composer of the Mighty Handful was the most famous and most successful? 

Without question, Rimsky-Korsakov was the most famous and successful among the Mighty Handful composers. He was also the most important. Rimsky-Korsakov self-studied vigorously, teaching himself from textbooks and following a strict regimen of composing contrapuntal exercises, fugues, chorales and a cappella choruses. At age 27 he became Professor of Practical Composition at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory of Music, as well as Director of the Orchestra Class-while still retaining his active duty naval position! Rimsky-Korsakov outlived the other members of the Mighty Handful, dying in 1908 at the age of 64. His mastery of orchestration produced many of the most-performed works in the orchestral repertoire, such as Capriccio Espagnole, Scheherazade, the Russian Easter Overture, and many others. He was also a very famous teacher, notably of Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Alexander Glazunov, Ottorino Respighi, and Mikhail Ippolitov-Avanov.

The composer at work

Rimsky-Korsakov with his family and Igor Stravinsky (far left of photo)

12.  What were the basic beliefs and ideals of the Mighty Handful?  What was their goal?

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