• What are the dates for Mussorgsky?
  • Who is considered to be the father of Russian music?
  • What is universally recognized as Mussorgsky’s magnum opus?
  • What other names did the Mighty Handful go by?
  • What caused Mussorgsky’s early death at age 42?
  • What famous Russian critic/writer came up with the title the Mighty Handful?
  • What instrument did Mussorgsky play?
  • Please name the five composers that made up the Mighty Handful.
  • What is the name of the artist whose work inspired Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition? 
  • Who was the leader of the Mighty Handful?
  • Which composer of the Mighty Handful was the most famous and most successful?
  • What were the basic beliefs and ideals of the Mighty Handful?  What was their goal?
  • An interesting fact about the composers of the Mighty Handful is that all of them had regular “day jobs” and careers. What were those careers?
  • What was the relationship between Tchaikovsky and the Mighty Handful like, and how was Tchaikovsky’s musical aesthetic different than that of the Mighty Handful?

Mussorgsky and the Mighty Handful

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Mussorgsky and his Mighty Handful compatriots!

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